Saturday, February 23, 2008


Friday, February 08, 2008

This past Monday in Colombia, Colombians united once again to march...this time it was against the FARC and for peace...

I love seeing Colombians unite and come together with a sense of respect and love for our country.

Yet I must say I wasn't one of the Colombians that united for the march. I love my country, and I love the sense of unity and of course, I love peace....but the idea of the marchs have changed so much. What do they mean anymore?

From MY opinion...I feel like the march lost it's sense of understanding. People take time from school, work or whatever they do during the day to come out and march...I saw people marching with their white shirts on and gossiping the entire way, I saw people from different political groups glaring at each other and disrespecting one another for their views, I noticed that some people were probably marching because it has become the COOL thing to do although they might not realize what exactly they are fighting for, I noticed that people march and take their time to do so...but then the following days people forget the things that continue to happen in Colombia. The FARC still continues and the hostages continue to be hidden in the depths of the jungles.

Did I also mention that this world wide march was started on facebook? I'm not sure how to feel about's become popularized. Facebook allows all the students and other people in Colombia to come together and talk, express themselves...but how many people just clicked yes to join the group for the Feb. 4th march...just because they thought it would be a good time. What about the percentage of people who do not have access to such systems?

that's another thing, we continue to march and march against the FARC, and for peace...and we tend to forget about the other problems in Colombia. Why don't we march for the people that are dying from hunger? or the corruption that lives on in Colombia, or the various violent groups who try to take a stand like the FARC?

Why do we only take one day of the year to come together like a Colombian family for peace? What about the rest of the year...what do we do then? NOTHING.

That's why I didn't march, nor did I wear white. But I did smile at the amount of people that came out, it's a beautiful sight...but it scares me to think that we may never reach a true sense of peace.

If you did march, more power to you!!!!!!!!!

love love love

Short but sweet

Feb. 1, 2008

It's funny, when I first got to Colombia I was completely homesick and lonely. I don't think I have ever had to deal with true solitude and independence. A few months after being here I wanted to make my way back…..

Now I can't even think of leaving Colombia, my beautiful, chaotic country. I love everything about it, the people (my family), the culture, the chaos, the landscapes, mountains, and the smell. I even love the sights of those who suffer because it only cause my compassion and my heart to grow, which lights the fire beneath me even more.

Being in Colombia, I have found strength and independence I never knew I could have. I find more understand to life, my life and I face things that I have always feared facing. I meet with ignorance everyday and I'm grateful that I know the things I do. Sometimes I want to speak up and defend issues but then I realize maybe it's my ignorance judging this person's idea. I have learned the difference of perspective in such a way that it's become a normality of my everyday life and that's pretty freakin' cool.

I used to want to go to Africa, to live and work there. Help the people who can't defend themselves, and don't get me wrong…I still very much do. The strength of the survivors there hold a special place in my heart, but I now cry for Colombia.

A few weeks ago, a Colombian channel was giving a documentary on Colombia in the past 25 years…I was engulfed by the images and the things that happened. Then I realized wow, there's so much I don't know and I should. This is my country, I was taken away at such a crucial time in Colombia that I begin to wonder if leaving the violence was part of the reason of my family leaving Colombia.

I feel bad. I really do, I feel bad that I'm so behind on my Colombian history knowledge. It's funny the things we learn at schools…so different all over the world. What I learned in the states is so much different than what they learn here, and that amazes me. I love that!

I met someone down here that changed my life. He made me realize a lot of things about life and about myself. How afraid I have been in my life to move forward and I find myself making excuses not to continue. I try to prepare myself for each step I take and then he told me I shouldn't do that, I can't prepare for life. He's right. So here I am working my ass off, like I should have done and should do. He's become one of those friends that I will never forget, funny how people walk in and out of my life.

I have been here for almost a year!! I can't believe that. Crazy how time goes by and how things change. Change…like Kaylie says she only like it at workJ ha!

All in all, I'm happy. I am very happy in Colombia. I have a sense of independence, strength, happiness and peace of my own here. I must say it didn't come easy but through experiences and situations that allowed me to react unnatural and then learning from those.