Friday, April 27, 2007

late last night

current mood: sentimental

i look out the window and i see mountains
before not too long ago...i saw fields
the mountains light up at night
while the fields used to wave in the breeze
each night the moon comes out and the stars disappear
within the city lights
in iowa the dark skies were always clear
the stars seem to lead the way to peace and quiet
while the moon goes away and the sun comes out
in the city only to awaken the entire being
that is life.

So Far

Current mood: determined

so yesterday i went out into the city with my dad, and wow. the atomosphere of the city is so different, well compared to my life in ames...uh heck yeah it's different.
i love the little stands put up selling fruit, food, jewelery, clothes, little gadgets and gismos. it's amazing to think they put it up every day because that's the way they live life. the cars don't stop for anyone crossing the streets, so looking both ways is absolutely crucial.

money is in pesos and i have no idea how to even begin to manage it. granted i don't plan on learning that within the two day i've been here but man i got a lot left to learn. i don't know where i left my hair ties or if i just plan forgot them because I remember packing a bunch of them in a baggie...where they went? no idea. i only had one with me, and i went out to buy more at this shop down the street from where we live. The guy had a whole pack of them and he said $300 pesos, which isn't alot, and i was like alright yeah thinking it was for the whole pack of like 8 hair ties....nope. $300 pesos for one hairties. it totally phased me that they sell things by the individual rather than the pack. i laughed at myself.

then we went to the cell phone store for me to get a phone, after an hour (long story), we turned to leave. there was a security guard at the door with one of those metal detector wands. he looked at me and smiled, instantly i raised my arms thinking he was gonna wave his wand over me...he got a good laugh out of that and asked me why i did that. i told him i had no idea what to do and turned and left. wow talk about dumb:) but it's that sort of stuff that i learn from and realize that this transition is gonna be a challenge. one that i'm ready for and prepared to do.

love you long time.

Blog from the past 3

another one yet...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Current mood: peaceful

a bit of deja vu that makes me smile

to leave…
would be my greatest mistake
or my greatest leap of faith
to say good-bye
and pretend it'd be easy
would be my greatest lie
-Carolina 6/9/06

I wrote that last year and I found it among other things in my quotebook. I kinda startled myself because of the truth within it. It's always been in my thoughts to leave eh? I always knew it'd be hard though.


Blog from the past 2

Yet another blog to add to the collection of La Vida Mia...

Sunday, April 01, 2007
Current mood: optimistic

ya vengo yo!

it's imaginable feeling i'm having at this moment. i'm a little less than a month away from leaving my "comfort zone." i'm so excited and so very anxious to be moving on with my life, finally. however at the same time i'm terrified of facing my future with a brand new beginning. i'm mostly terrified of how much i'm going to miss the faces, voices and hugs of the people who constantly surround me.

i'm going to miss people, but i'm going to miss certain parts of ames super much. places like great plains, the cafe and la fuente. i keep thinking and thinking of those places because that's all i ever eat. i going to miss work a lot, brewers has been by far the best job i've ever had. the people have been super great, my bosses amazing, customers life changing. there's not much to look at in ames but i love the way it smells, it sounds, the sun shines here. i love taking walks through neighborhoods. i'll miss that.

recently, i found myself thinking of how much i'm going to miss not only my old amazing buds but how much fate's cruel for the new ones i've made. it's funny how fast people have come into my life that have made an impact already. i value time with every of them because of what i learn and how they change me.

i'm sad on the things i will miss out, like angie and the guys living here this summer, kaylie coming home for awhile, sarah taking steps forward in her life, another summer to spend at the pool or lakes or whatever. but regardless, i know i'm moving on in my life and i can't wait. people leave all the time, miss out on things to live through new ones. i know i'll be back again someday and i look forward to that day that i can lay around under the sun with all my friends just laughing. i expect to come back for every important detail of their lives.
i'm going to miss my mom more than anything in the world. i usually tend to worry about her but i know that with her strength she'll be fine. with everything she's been through, she's still smiling and striving on to move forward with life. i'm happy to go establish a relationship with my dad and my family.

i can't wait to go to school, perfect my spanish, learn french, read and write, take pictures of beautiful colombia, listen to music that will set me free, hug my family that i barely know but love so much. wow.

crazy where life has taken me and will take me.
cheers, peace and hugs!

Blog from the past 1

I thought I'd be kind enough to catch people up on my move here...this is blog I wrote a couple months ago when I made the decision to leave.

Friday, February 23, 2007
Current mood: loved
I'm leeaavin on a jet plane...

but I know I'll be back again.

So here I am. Last week I got the response I've been waiting for, it didn't say what I wanted it to say but it created a path for me. Finally. This means I can finally take this and move forward. I'm leaving. And I'm excited.

I'm not giving up, no matter how many people like to think that, I'm not. I've lived in this place for so long that it feels like home yet I'm not allowed to call it home, until you know that feeling don't tell me I'm giving up. Maybe I'm giving up the chance to be here and work the next couple years of my life but that is not what I want to do. All I have ever wanted to do is go to school, and if that means I have to go elsewhere to do so, so be it. I'm gone. I'm not giving up, I'm moving on. And it's about time. I can't always be here because I'm afraid to leave the people or this place I call my comfort zone. I've spend enough time running around in circles and now I need to walk forward for ME. This is what I want, I want to go to school. I want to make a difference in this life. YAY!

I'm sad to leave the people that I value more than anything in the world. And then I realize that I'm going to be with my dad, who I haven't seen in 5 years, and my entire family. I'm going to be Colombian after so many years of being Americanized. Nothing bad can come of this. Only the pain I'm going to feel when I realize that my friends aren't at arm's reach. How do I say goodbye to the people that have had a huge impact on my life? I will find out soon.
This country is a great country, and compared to some countries it is a free country. But to be honest, me leaving this country is my freedom. I've had so many limitations for the simple reason that I wasn't born here. Regardless of the fact that I've been here for 18 years of my life. That makes me sad. Life is fair because it's supposed to hard, it's a trade can always be worse.

"A STRONG FOUNDATION IS NECESSARY IN THE ATTEMPT TO LIVE OUT YOUR DREAMS" -tristan prettyman-(check out her music, she's a bad ass!)

I created an amazingly strong foundation for the rest of my life. I look at all the friends I've had and still have...I'm in awe at the fact that my life started like this. Everyone that I have met or had some sort of relationship with has had an impact on my life. Ames, Iowa has been the number one teacher in teaching me tolerance. I love my girls who continue to make me laugh even if they're in Scotland, Wisconsin or in the next room. The guys who taught me politics, and good music to listen to. Not even just my close friends, but their parents and all the families that have had a sense of compassion for me. Thank you. I am who I am because of everyone that has been a part of my life, even if it was for a second. These next couple months are going to be the hardest but the best because I'm moving on. And I can't wait to get started on the rest of my life. People leave all the time, and say good bye all the time, life is full of new beginnings and this is mine. I love you all so much and I can only hope for the understanding and support that will allow me to live on. I have dreams that reach much farther than the outskirts of Ames, it's time to live them out. I'm awesome awesome awesome at staying in touch, and that will never be issue. I hope to see everyone in the next couple months for a hug and kiss. One love.

: )